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Mission Statement

The AEIofHI is dedicated to the teaching of responsible pet ownership, inspiring our students to be kind, compassionate, and responsible pet owners, in order to end the cycles that contribute to abuse, neglect, and abandonment. We believe that humane education is the key to a more compassionate world.

Meet Our Team

Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals plays a vital supporting role at AEIofHI, where we are proudly youth-led and adult-supported. The innovative ideas and passionate leadership of our young officers drive the direction and mission of our organization. Read on to learn more about some of our incredible team members.

The Pawficers

The AEIofHI team is committed to providing our students with the best education possible. We are passionate about teaching the importance of pet care and animal welfare. Our team is experienced in teaching humane education and are devoted to ensuring that our students understand the value of our furry family members. We believe that our pets are an essential part of our program, and they help us with teaching and even eating the occasional treat! We strive to create an environment where our students can learn and appreciate the importance of pet care and animal welfare with our furry teammates.

Fiscal Sponsor

We are so thankful for the ongoing support from the Cat People of Oahu, who have made our animal education initiative possible. Without their generous assistance, we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do. Currently, they are our fiscal sponsor, meaning that all donations to our cause are tax-deductible.  We are incredibly grateful for their help so we can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of animals.

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